So, it's taken us, Sanctuary of Brigid co-founders Cairelle and Laura, a hot minute to sit with and attempt to process the reversal of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court. How does one come to grips with the fact that they do not have bodily sovereignty? We all have stories that involve our sacred ... READ the POST
The Brigid Alliance
Cover Reveal!
After many months of hard editing work, we are so excited to share the title and cover for our anthology! The cover art - "Brighde" - is by the fabulous Stuart Littlejohn. We especially love that there's a sword, and we appreciate seeing Brigid with a bit of a fierce look about her! Here's a blurb ... READ the POST
Sisters of the Flame
Hello friends! We want to share that we've started a dedicated group on Facebook for those who tend a flame for our beloved Brigid. Our permanent rotation of nineteen flamekeepers is full, but we are always looking to network with others who tend a flame in devotion.You can read more about ... READ the POST
Our New Logo!
Look, look, look! Isn't it gorgeous? We are totally in love! When Laura and I established the Sanctuary of Brigid in 2019, we knew right away our organization needed a beautiful and symbolic logo that is representative of the various layers of what Brigid means to us, and how we want the Sanctuary ... READ the POST
Brigid of Fire and Water
I’ve been Pagan a long time so I can't remember when I first approached Brigid. It was probably in a ritual written by someone else, maybe around Imbolc, but I do remember that one of those early interactions was with Her as the Patroness of Poetry. In one of my early covens, for many ... READ the POST
The Swan
"As days gradually lengthen and the last vestiges of Winter recede, ice and snow begin to melt and the first buds of Spring appear. In many parts of the world the Swan is a symbol of light and considered the harbinger of Spring, and to me one of the most wonderful sights at this time of ... READ the POST