

Cairelle Perilloux

Cairelle is an integrative RN, womb priestess, genealogist, author, and wanderess of wild and holy spaces. She has walked a Goddess path for 30+ years, exploring, learning, and growing. Under the nom de plume Cairelle Crow, she is the author of The Magic in Your Genes and a contributing author and co-editor of Brigid’s Light. When she’s not riding a Mardi Gras float in her native New Orleans or roaming the world in search of grandmothers, quirky art, and stone circles, Cairelle is at home in her forest cottage in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Follow her on Instagram at @IAmCairelle.

Laura Hegle

Laura is an author, fiber artist, drum-maker, and a certified Pilates Instructor committed to teaching the strength that lies within. She is the owner of Wild Soul where she manifests joy by creating custom drums, beaters, rattles, and feather fans. As Laura Louella, she is a contributing author and co-editor of Brigid’s Light. Many days you can find her tending her garden, taking long walks through the forest, sitting by the river, or creating a quilt on her 1936 Featherweight Singer sewing machine. Laura lives in a cozy cottage in the Cascade Mountains of Northern California. You can find her on Instagram at @IAmLauraMichelle.